5 Tips to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season!

Make this holiday season better with these simple tips...

Perfect Your Primary Prevention

Be sure to take all of the necessary precautions to make sure that you stay in tip top shape for the holidays. While the exact time and duration of flu season changes, flu viruses are most common during the holiday season (fall and winter). So get your flu shot, change out of those summer clothes for the warm ones, have sanitizer at the buffet table and wash your hands frequently if you want to stay on your feet and on track with your health.

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Moderation Over Everything

As you prepare for holiday meals, keep in mind that the extra calories at the buffet table can transform into extra pounds. One simple trick to control your portion size is to use divided plates. Using the divided areas for your protein, grains and fruits/vegetables is an easy way to make sure that you are not over eating and staying on track with your nutrition. You can learn more about controlling serving size with MyPlate. Moderation is key.


Workout With the Family

A few months ago my sister decided to start a workout group. I imagine to it was to hold herself more accountable, but also to help friends/family get back into the habit. When she first started no one showed up. I encouraged her to stay consistent with her healthy lifestyle and everything would fall into place. Now she leads a regular fitness group in our community. They meet on Saturday mornings and throughout the week to go on runs, do bootcamp style workouts and even go hiking. The holiday season is a great time to get the family together to not only fellowship over food and laughs, but to work off all of the turkey and dessert too! Start with something simple like taking a walk after lunch or dinner to keep the balance. You're probably thinking that no one will be receptive, but give it a try. Don't use the holidays to take time off from your workout routine.

Rest & Relaxation

This one may seem like a no brainer, but the holiday season can get so hectic with all of the last minute shopping, cooking and planning that you may stop prioritizing your rest. If you run yourself too far and don't get a good night's sleep, you risk getting sick from your body's defense being worn down. Taking time to relax also helps to relieve stress. I could go on and on about how stress breaks down our bodies form the inside out, but just trust me... stressing over everything and losing sleep can really have a negative impact on your body.

Let Go of the Guilt

For many of us, the holiday season is spent enjoying time with friends and family. So do just that, enjoy your time and don't worry too much about over doing it with the food. Feeling guilty after eating foods that you don't usually allow yourself to eat can breed more unhealthy behaviors. So get rid of those negative voices in your head, give yourself permission to enjoy the indulgence guilt-free and then simply get back on track with your normal eating and workout routine the very next day.

