Am I healthy?

"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him."
                                                                                      - Buddha

In an effort to promote healthy living I've tried to utilize so many different avenues to reach as many people as possible. I tweet workout tips, instagram photos from the gym, and occasionally record videos of proper technique or random hobbies I have to stay in shape. What I've noticed through time is that when most people are asked "Are you healthy?" their response seems to have a basis of only being disease free or well in a physical sense.

I've really wanted to change this perception of being healthy because I think that even more will benefit from understanding that this view is only part of the equation. Webster defines "healthy" as enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, and spirit. In my opinion the World Health Organization defines best for it lists "healthy" as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of of disease or infirmity. With that being said I'll present the question once more: Are you living a healthy lifestyle?

What's just as important as eating right and taking care of your physical body, is being comfortable in your own skin. This will allow you to feel better about who you are and give you a chance to work towards what you want instead of how society paints a healthy individual. As long as you can wake up everyday, love what you see in the mirror, and continue to feed your spirit... then I would say that you are well on your way to good health.

I read a story today about a woman who has been living with cancer for the last 6 months. She was asked in a survey is she was healthy and she described her reasoning behind he affirmation. She described that her body was weak and battle tested, but her will to live in the moment and enjoy every day to the fullest was unwavering. Her story was filled with courage and tenacity. There is something to be said about those who may be broken in the flesh, but herculean in their gift to take a negative and turn it into a positive. This story really spoke to me and inspired a change in the way I plan to promote healthy living to those under the reach of my text from now on.

This post isn't meant to downplay the importance of eating your fruits and vegetables or doing some kind (around 3 hrs) of physical activity per week... but instead to encourage you to pursue what is a complete healthy lifestyle. Personally I recommend taking time out each day/week to clear your mind doing whatever makes you happy (mind)... working out 2-3 times a week whether you're at the gym or in the yard with your dog (body)... and finally to let the Lord bless you and keep you by keeping him a priority in your life (spirit).

Think about it...
